What does it take to be a “bridge connector”? What is a “bridge connector”?

*We must be humble. We must be “quick” to repent.
*We need to be pursuing a repentance lifestyle.
*Some particularly big items that those of us in the Christian and Hebrew roots community need to repent of: the evil roots of “Replacement theology”.
*We need to “own” the sins of our church forefathers that have been perpetrated against the Jewish people over the centuries. This can be done in the spirit of Daniel 9: 1-19 and Leviticus 26:40-42. A wonderful and splendid resource for beginning that repentance process is “The List”, co authored by Ray Montgomery and Bob O’Dell.
*The first sin to repent down is our “spiritual arrogance, pride” and self-righteousness. Once we repent of that, then we can get to others sins behind that wall.
*We need to show/demonstrate love, honor and respect to all, especially to the least. No favoritism.
*We need to be “other centered”. How can I serve you? How can I support you? We must develop a servant heart and do servant actions. The ministry of HaYovel is certainly an example of this, in serving Jewish farmers in the land of Israel.
*If you are on the Christian side of the shore, we need a deep love for Yeshua
*If you are on the Jewish side of the shore, a deep love for the God of Israel, HaShem.
*We need a deep love for and a heart to obey the Word of God. If you are on the Christian side of the shore, that would be Genesis to Revelation. If you are on the Jewish side of the shore, that would be Genesis to Malachi.
*We need a deep love for the land of Israel and the Jewish people.
*For those of us who have their position near the Christian or Hebrew roots place in the waters, we need to be as an ambassador and representative of Jesus/Yeshua. He is the “vav” man, He is the ultimate connector, who connects us to our heavenly Father.
*For those who have their position near the Jewish shore, you are much needed! We need to understand the written Torah that you have so faithfully copied, scribed, studied and researched over the centuries. You have wisdom and understanding that we need!
(I thank the God of Israel for raising up “Root-Source” (Gidon Ariel/Bob O Dell)
*We need to be willing to be “unseen”, “invisible” and “hidden”. No one may see what you do, but “El Roi”, the God of Israel, He sees!
*We must develop a vibrant and robust prayer life with a total and trusting reliance on the God of Israel, and His Holy Spirit to “build out” this human bridge by HIS invisible hand.
*We must work on becoming “unoffendable”. We must develop the mindset and the attitude, “Throw your worst at me. I will not be offended. I choose/decide to love you with Teflon love. Nothing you say, nothing you do, will stop me from loving you.
*We must decide to walk in “extreme grace”, “extravagant mercy” and “extraordinary love.”
*We need to be OPEN, to new opportunities, new connections, new divine appointments.
*Concerning our relationships. Has a brother offended you? Read Matthew 18: 15-17.
Obey it. Do it.
*Concerning our relationships. Have you offended someone? Read Matthew 5: 23-25. Obey it. Do it.
*Building out this human bridge, being a “bridge connector” springboards from relationship. Build relationships. Look for opportunities to collaborate.
*Focus on what UNITES us, on what we have in common, not on what divides us.
What is the Ultimate goal? What is the destination?
Where is this leading?

It is about the two sticks of Ezekiel joining together to become ECHAD or one in the hand of Hashem. (Ezekiel 37: 15-23)
It is about the one new man developing, growing, being nurtured, and then finally being birthed and emerging (Ephesians 2:12-22)
It is about the birth of the “biblical Zion” state.
Let me say something more about these “two sticks”:
Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions: And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in your hand. Ezekiel 37:16-17
This word, “join” in the Hebrew is “qarab” and it means: to draw near, to come near, to approach. This is a key concept. It does NOT mean that one stick become a clone of the other. They are to “draw near” to each other. It is similar to when a man and woman get married. The man does not become the woman. The woman does not become the man. They “draw near” to one another and they become “one flesh. Each still retains their own individual identity. ”. But a new identity emerges: their new identity as a couple.
So, the Judah stick (the Jews) do not need to become the Joseph stick (the non-Jews/Ephraim). The Joseph stick does not need to become the Judah stick (the Jews). We just need to “draw near” to one another, work together, love, honor and respect one another, collaborate with one another, serve one another, and fight against our common enemies together.

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One Comment
Beverly Hall
This looks like an endeavor that will encourage all of us to reach out to each other. Laura, thanks so much for all your hard work. I appreciate what you are doing to bring healing to the body of Messiah.