A Call to Rise ABOVE the Quarantines!
by Laura Densmore
*The United States is rapidly descending into tyranny. Democratic Governors of states and Democratic Mayors of cities are implementing draconian measures upon their constituents to limit liberty and forsake freedom. Here is a snapshot of what has been happening:
In Kentucky – Dr. Jack Roberts, of Maryville Baptist Church – along with every attendee of the church’s drive-in Easter service – were issued the equivalent of a 14-day house arrest for attending church, along with threats of criminal charges.
In Maine – Pastor Ken Graves of Calvary Chapel of Bangor faced criminal charges, 6 months in jail and $1,000 in fines per violation of Gov. Janet Mills’ COVID shutdown orders.
In Virginia – Pastor Kevin Wilson of Lighthouse Fellowship Church was criminally charged and threatened with 1 year in jail and a $2,500 fine for having just 16 people at a Palm Sunday Service in his 293-seat church. Every church member was also threatened with criminal charges if they met with more than 10 people.
In Illinois – Pastor Christian Ionescu of Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church of Chicago, IL, has been criminally charged with “Disorderly Conduct” for having more than 10 people assembled for worship, including up to 30-days in jail, fines, AND threats from the city to seize and destroy church buildings.
In Illinois- Pastor Daniel Chiu of Logos Baptist Ministries was criminally charged and faced 30 days in jail and fines for having more than 10 people assembled for worship.
In Florida – Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne of The River Church at Tampa Bay, was arrested, transported to the police station, booked, and issued two criminal charges with each charge up to 6-months in jail and a $2,500 fine for assembling to worship.
The church in California is undergoing intense persecution under the tyrannical leadership of Governor Newsom.
On July 13, Governor Newsom of California ordered statewide closure of churches. In California, Pastor Ché Ahn, of Harvest Rock Church, the staff and every single churchgoer face criminal charges of 1 year in jail and $1,000 in fines per day. The Pasadena city Prosecutor has threatened daily criminal charges against everyone who assembles at the church for religious meetings.
Moreover, The mayor of Los Angeles has threatened to cut off all power and water to churches that assemble!
The First Amendment reads as follows:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The First Amendment does not guarantee the right to go to an abortion clinic. It does not guarantee the right to go to a liquor store or to a Walmart. It DOES guarantee the right to assemble and to worship freely. Our founding fathers shed their blood and laid down their lives to secure this right for us. Will they have shed their blood in vain? Will more Pastors rise up and push back against the rising tyranny?
We have a Constitution, but it is now just words on a page. The Constitution is no being implemented as the “law of the land”. Instead, power hungry democrats are ruling their states and cities with an iron fist and an oppressive boot. Democratic Governors and mayors are making edicts and decrees that are illegal and unconstitutional.
Rising up and Taking Action
Some Pastors are taking action and taking a stand against the tyranny being foisted upon the church. Listen to this short 4 minute interview from Fox with Pastor John MacArthur, where he calls upon churches to exercise Civil Disobedience against the draconian lockdowns:
Some Pastors have come together and there is now a Class Action lawsuit being brought against the Governor Newsom for his tyrannical actions against the church:
Pastors Sue California Governor over Coronavirus Orders
The church is not about cold dead stone buildings. The church is made up of LIVING STONES, (that is you and me my friend) with Yeshua as the chief cornerstone.
People are now assembling in unique “out of the box” ways: on beaches:
Over 5,000 worship together: Christians hold Church on California Beach
In open air meetings where some of the worst riots have happened:
Portland, Seattle: Riots to Revival: Thousands Attend
And people are secretly meeting together in homes! (Sorry, no news headline for this one).
This is happening quietly, secretly, and under the radar. The true persecuted church is now meeting “underground” in home settings. And that is where the church gets “on fire”, as has been the case in North Korea, China, and Iran.
The Holy Spirit is compared to “living water”.
“Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
John 4:14

When you put a large boulder into a river of water, the water flows around the boulder. Similarly, you cannot hold back the Holy Spirit…people will go around the boulder of lockdowns, they will rise above the lockdowns and they WILL meet: on beaches, on riverfronts, in homes and on Zoom meetings.
This is A Daniel Moment
Are we going to obey God or are we going to obey man? This is a Daniel moment. Daniel was restricted from praying. He prayed anyway. Then he was thrown into the lion’s den. God delivered him from the mouth of the lion. The restrictions against church meetings are illegal and unconstitutional. Thousands have been going to California beaches to attend outdoor services in defiance of coronavirus restrictions there.
How you can take action:
There is an online petition that you can sign calling for the reopening of churches in California:
Petition to Reopen Churches in California
Meet with your Fellowship Group
BE the living water. Go around the boulders and stones of lockdowns. Rise above the lockdowns. Congregate! Worship together, study the word together, and above all else, pray together!
Prayer Target: Pray that more believers will not be intimidated or afraid. Pray that they will congregate, worship, pray and study the word together!
Prayer Target: Pray that more Pastors will do civil disobedience and that they will meet with their congregations. Pray that they will preach the WHOLE and uncompromised gospel with FIRE! Pray that many would be saved!
Prayer Target: 40 million evangelical Christians did not vote in the last Presidential election. Pray that Pastors would teach from the pulpit that their congregation members need to get out and VOTE!
Prayer Target: Pray for President Trump and the upcoming election, that many will get out and vote and that Trump would be re-elected in a landslide! If it goes the other way, the persecution against both Christians and Jews in the USA will greatly increase and the nation will fall into deeper tyranny.
Prayer Target: The church became comfortable, became lukewarm, and got into compromise. As the flames of persecution heats up, pray that the spirit of repentance would fall upon God’s people all over America and throughout the nations. Pray that we will repent and return to the God of Israel and to following the Torah of Yeshua!
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