Disturbing Trend: Nationwide Door to Door Campaign Rolling out to Convince Folks to “Take the COVID Jab”

By Atara, June 28, 2021
A disturbing pattern is emerging. Desperate to get the nation’s numbers up for those who have taken the COVID “jab”, cities across the nation are now going door to door with COVID jab information and free shots. The campaign tactics seem to be:
*to convince/persuade you to take the COVID jab if you have not yet taken it.
*to actually offer the COVID jab to you right in your own home.
*to build and refine the list of who has NOT taken the jab.
Some cities, like Chicago, are even offering a 50.00 gift certificate to Grub Hub as a “bribe” for taking the jab.
There is a reason I say “the jab” and not “the vaccine”. The COVID shot is NOT a vaccine: it IS an experimental “gene therapy” shot issued an Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA. If you die from it, you have no recourse and cannot sue the Big Pharma company who manufactured it. If you suffer harmful effects as tens of thousands have, you have no recourse. The Big Pharma companies are not liable. See the list of Resources at the end of this article to learn more.
This activist door-knocking campaign is US government sponsored, and is called “We can do this”. Biden has created a “Vaccine Hesitancy Map” to help activists target vaccine skeptics door-to-door. Activists can look at a color-coded “vaccine hesitancy” map that features vaccine hesitancy rates by state and by county. You can also see the data on vaccine hesitancy in a table format for more exact figures.
Here is the map that vaccine pushers could use to target you:
Who are the organizations that are participating in this nationwide door-to-door campaign?
There is a table which lists: Public Health and medical organizations, Sports & Entertainment, Rural Leaders, Union and Organized Labor Leaders, Latino and Black Leaders, Asian and Native/Tribal Leaders, Veterans, Business Leaders, Faith Leaders, LGBTQ leaders, Community Leaders,
What can you do if someone comes knocking on your door to find out if you have taken the jab?
*Don’t give them your name, phone number, or any other contact information. You do not want to be added to a “Not vaccinated” list.
*Listen politely if they are giving an “educational (propaganda) message” about why the COVID jab is needed. Then say, “I will take that into consideration and will get back to you. Thankyou.”
*If they offer to give you the jab there on the spot, say “No thank you”.
*Alternatively, just don’t answer the door.
Here is where “The Jab” Campaign is currently rolling out:
In Chicago:
Anyone with a Chicago address can now have a COVID-19 vaccine administered right in their home and get a $50 gift card. “Anything that keeps people talking about vaccine is a good thing,” said Chicago Public Health chief Dr. Allison Arwady.
The city of Chicago will bring a COVID-19 vaccine straight to the doorstep of any resident who requests it.
And they’ve got dinner covered, too.
In Michigan:
With vaccination rates plummeting across Michigan, health leaders were going door to door in parts of West Michigan to try to convince people to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Calhoun County health leaders said they went door to door in neighborhoods with low vaccination turnout. Through a new program, ambassadors said they’ve been able to get nearly 600 people to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine.
In Arizona:
TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Leaders from the Southern Arizona community kicked off the “Take Your Shot Campaign” today.
The goal of the campaign is to talk to those who are hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccine and also help those who have barriers in the way that might prevent them from being able to get a shot.
To achieve this, members of the Arizona Center for Empowerment will be going around neighborhoods and knocking on doors.
In California:
As variants keep spreading throughout northern California, Yolo County is going door-to-door offering vaccinations to everyone, including children aged 12 and older. “We understand that people have different schedules, it’s hard to fit in appointments, it’s hard to get around sometimes, so we just want to remove any barriers and make sure that people can get vaccinated,” says Kristin Weivoda, the EMS administrator for Yolo County. The vaccination program is running through July 2.
In Memphis, Tennessee
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) – With President Joe Biden’s push to get 70 percent of the country vaccinated by July 4, communities are coming up with game plans to get more people vaccinated.
In Memphis, teams are hitting the streets to talk one-on-one with people about vaccinations.
The Our Best Shot field teams are hitting all the zip codes seeing the lowest uptake of the vaccine. Friday, a group was in the 38106 zip code near South Memphis, where they went door-to-door talking to people about getting vaccinated in an effort to get 750,000 people in Shelby County vaccinated by August.
In Virginia:
RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) – Richmond and Henrico Health Districts are making it even easier for you to roll up your sleeve for the COVID-19 vaccine.
On Friday, June 25 health leaders are launching a Street-to-Street event along the 25th street corridor in Richmond’s East End for a full day of COVID-19 vaccine appointments, outreach and education.
Cat Long with the Richmond’s health district says with the Delta variant, local experts are even more motivated to make shots accessible.
“The popping up of variants is something that makes us eager to make sure that everyone has access to a vaccine,” Long said.
For more information on COVID shots, adverse reactions and resources for action, visit the website, Millions Against Medical Mandates:
To learn more about adverse events resulting from COVID jabs go to:
To learn more about effects of COVID jabs on children, go to:
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/To learn more about the true numbers of COVID jab deaths go to:
What is the True Number of COVID vaccine related deaths? (LifeSite News)