America’s Frontline Doctors: Do NOT Quit Your Job!
(America’s Frontline Doctors)
As the mandates are increasing and the “deadlines” fast approach, YOU SHOULD NOT QUIT YOUR JOB. Do not be fooled if your boss says you must resign. Make your boss fire you and do not sign anything or agree to anything that says otherwise. Do not agree with “voluntary resignation.” If you are fired, you are eligible for unemployment. Anything else and you are not.
If you are fired, you place the costs back on them and you get or you fight for unemployment benefits. Let them experience the burden associated with their choices. Avail yourself of any government dollars that have gone to support those previously unwilling to work. Use all tools and resources you can including the CDC’s unlawful mandate to halt rents, etc. We suspect you ordinarily would not take advantage of these systems, but these are extraordinary times.
In the last 18 months we have watched the Communists in America radically change the definition of simple words in their efforts to strip away our rights. Words such as “vaccine,” “herd immunity,” and “cases” have literally been redefined by the Communists to support this power grab. By changing the traditional definition of just four words, these usurpers were able to create, in the minds of the media and the public, a frightening global emergency. Do not allow these tyrants to crush what remains of your rights. Do not “agree” to be fired.
We are at the “delta” variant. The last variant is totalitarianism.
Stand Strong. You are the Hero you have been waiting for.
Source (America’s Frontline Doctors)
Deanna Howe
What if our Employer refuses to actually say ‘you are fired’ and keeps repeating him/herself that I/(we) just “voluntarily resigned”.!?!?
Stand your ground. Be direct. Let your employer know that you will not resign and you will not voluntarily take the jab. The only way that you are going anywhere is if they fire you. You will then very likely be eligible for unemployment. If you resign, no unemployment for you. You can also file a lawsuit if they fire you for not taking the jab.
Anthony Bardwell
I work in benecia ca. Live in sacramento. I have the religous exemption form. Today my employer hander out a form wanting us to sighn it saying certain counties and jobsites what to know your vaccination status. I refused to sighn until i have someone look at it was my response. It asked wat vaccine. Have you had both or havnt had it or refuse to answer. If you refuse to answer you will be treated as if you are not vaccinated. Should i sighn or do i have to. Also is there a doctor that i can see for a medical exemption. My heart is turned side ways one side gets no blood circulation. And really high cohlesteral 30 yrs. Ive had 3 older brothers pass. 2 had strokes 1 his heart just stopped beating. Also 2 sisters passed 1 stroke. The oldest was 52. Im 56. I really feel this will hurt me. Especially not know the next 5 yrs. If you can please lead me to someone. I will travel even to nevada from northern ca. These doctors in sutter sacramento are all with this communism. I can pay for my appointment out of pocket. Even my insurance but paying out of pocket is not a problem. Please. Thankyou. Im glued to my email
I recommend you go through America’s Frontline Doctors and get a phone consultation with them. Let them know you are looking for a medical exemption form. Here is their link: