War Room Report

‘SOS from Australia’: Freedom activists plead for political asylum from COVID regime

Lifesite news, Nov 11, 2021) A group of freedom activists in Australia is pleading for support from the international community to put pressure on Australian leaders to lift the punitive measures imposed on them since the onset of the coronavirus crisis.

Following more than 18 months of COVID-related lockdowns throughout Australia, with harsh enforcement policies, including the use of rubber bullets and widespread arrests by the police, Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) — a pro-freedom group based in Victoria — is begging international leaders to back a campaign to pressure the government into relaxing COVID restrictions by offering asylum to Australians who have been affected by the devastating impositions.

Branded “SOS from Australia,” the initiative to protest on behalf of locked-down Australians was launched by Monica Smit, the founder of Reignite Democracy Australia.

“Once known as one of the safest and freest countries in the world … a land of privacy rights, medical rights, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom to protest, freedom to worship … the Australia we once knew is no more,” Smit said as part of an impassioned plea for aid. “It is now a land of division, blackmail, coercion, discrimination and medical apartheid.”

Smit declared that, for fear of losing their licenses, “doctors and nurses cannot speak,” and noted that some people have “lost their jobs because they don’t want the [COVID] injection.”

“Our human rights are gone,” she lamented.

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