War Room Report

Watch: Dr. Peter McCullough Blasts Vaccines, Censorship On Fox News

(Infowars, 1.26.22)
Covid-19 vaccines, which have failed miserably, shouldn’t be mandated, and doctors that blow the whistle shouldn’t be censored, Dallas-based physician Dr. Peter McCullough told the Ingraham Angle.

Appearing Tuesday, the early Covid treatment proponent who spoke at the “Defeat the Mandates” protest in Washington DC over the weekend told host Laura Ingraham that it’s been established the vaccines don’t work as they were intended.

“The science now is settled that the vaccines aren’t sufficiently effective to reduce, or handle the pandemic and they’re not safe enough to mandate,” McCullough said, also mentioning a panel discussion he participated in Monday held by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).

McCullough was also asked about comments Tuesday by US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, who urged Big Tech companies to suppress the free speech of figures discussing alternative Covid therapies such as podcast host Joe Rogan, on whose program McCullough has appeared.

“I asked that question yesterday in public, on the Senate record now, ‘Who’s actually received been the recipient of censorship, or a reprisal, professional injury?’ — 80 percent of people in the room raised their hands,” McCullough stated.

“Censorship is incredibly divisive in the United States today in the scientific community,” McCullough went on. “You know the high-quality doctors always cite the science. Those who claim misinformation never have any backup. So the problem is those who are hunting misinformation are the spreaders of misinformation.”

McCullough also dismissed the idea of an omicron variant-specific vaccine, saying there would most likely be new variants to deal with by the time an omicron jab was produced.

On a more hopeful note, the Texas physician said the panel established the “emergency phase of the epidemic is closed now.”

“We should move on to just treating the occasional high-risk patient and then moving on with normal life,” he said.

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Interview with Dr. McCullough starts at 15 min, 33 sec:

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