War Room Report

Read! Pray! SIGN Prayer Decree for Canada!

Prayer Decree for Canada!

Please read and pray through this prayer decree for Canada. If you are in agreement with it, please sign your name to this powerful prayer decree!

Lord, you said 2 Corinthians 10:4: that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Lord, you also said if we decree a thing it will be established unto us, so we make this decree:

We hereby acknowledge and reassert Your dominion over Canada and that you alone are LORD. We accept the dominion and authority You have given to us in Jesus’ name and we rise in it now. We decree that the God of Israel is the God of Canada, and He always prevails. The gods of this world are demonic idols and always fail.

We break every covenant in Canada with Baal, Dagon, Jezebel, Leviathan, Apollyon and Freemasonry and denounce them all. We rebuke the spirit of sabotage, the spirit of rebellion and the spirit of retaliation and command confusion into the enemy’s camp that they turn on each other. Lord, we ask for a complete divorce from Baal-Zephon and ask as a people and a nation for a remarriage to you God!

Father God, you have had dominion and authority since the beginning, and we repent and ask forgiveness for having carelessly given it away. Lord we repent for our sins of commission and of omission where we’ve knowingly and unknowingly come into agreement with the enemy. We repent for our complacency and apathy which has allowed the devil, his agents, and human assigns to coerce their rule in our land.

For the LORD says in Jeremiah 4:10: See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant. So, Satan, and all of your demons and agents we hereby serve you an eviction notice. Get OUT! According to the word of God when we refuse to tolerate you, you must flee. We declare we will tolerate you no more and demand you let go of this nation and everyone and everything in it – so go now in Jesus’ name!

Lord, we repent for abortion and the shedding of innocent blood which has empowered principalities and altars in the spirit realm. We ask Lord, that your blood speak in its place. We declare those altars and voices in the spirit realm be silenced and torn down now! We command every veil and covering that’s warping the minds of the people of our nation be destroyed now in Jesus’ name! We cast down every argument and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of You, God, and we command every thought to come into captivity to the obedience of Christ, now, in Jesus’ name.

Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, shine, for your light has come! And the glory of the LROD is risen upon you”.   And so, Lord, we declare that we your ecclesia around this nation and around the world are rising now as we decree and agree with your definition of our territory. We command your strength in our weakness come upon us now! We say come Holy Spirit, come and empower us to bring a redefining to our regions and our nation to bring forth the purpose and identity of You, our loving God. We decree that demon princes over our nation are being exposed and bound now in Jesus’ name. We declare that all principalities and strongholds are being torn down now in Jesus’ name. We declare that you Spirit is loosed upon our land now, in Jesus’ name. Realign us God, for a move of Holy Spirit in Canada and upon the earth like we have never seen before.

We declare that all works of darkness that have taken up residence in our nation’s government, our provinces, our cities, our municipalities, schools, courts, media and in our churches and homes are being rooted out, pulled down and destroyed now in Jesus’ name! And we decree in agreement with You, Lord that there is nothing in secret that shall not be made manifest and the enemy is being exposed and dealt a devastating blow! We declare that all that can be shaken is being shaken so that all that remains is all that can remain.

Realign us for revival, realign us to unseat the antichrist agendas and those who represent them. We thank you LORD, and declare that you are re-seating them with leaders You are raising up; sons and daughters of God who stand for your agenda locally, regionally, and nationally. We speak the corporate destiny of Canada, under Your dominion, be released into the atmosphere of this nation and transform it by the power of our decree and your spirit. Help us realign culture and government through Your power, Lord. We declare the purpose and plans for this new era are being executed even now and cannot be reversed. For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LROD, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14

We say RESTORE, RESTORE, RESTORE Canada to the people and bring your glory to the land. We declare that we are aligning and becoming who we are meant to be as a nation and as a people. We declare that Canada is realigning and fulfilling its national purpose and prophetic destiny according to Your will, God. We are that city on a hill and cannot be hidden!

We decree that angels are organizing around our prayers, helping us to bring them to pass as we decree and declare that the greatest days for our nation and in church history are happening now. We speak that God is putting His breath back in this nation and acceleration has begun, the best is yet to come.

We decree and declare in Jesus name the gods of this world have no power and that you, Yahweh, are the only true living God. We decree the spirit of Baal is once again overcome by the blood of the Lamb and word of our testimony and that You are sovereign, you are present and you are our banner!

We declare You, God, have dominion over this nation and Canada is being saved. Lord, we are your people and you are our God.

Lord, the land cries out for you saying, “How long Oh LORD” and we declare that your Kingdom is invading this nation and that your will be done in this land from sea to sea from the river unto the ends of the earth in the name of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach and every promise of yours shall come to pass and no man or devil will make you a liar!



  • Marilyn Thomson

    Glory be to God – I stand with Canada in this hour. We serve a Mighty God, who is faithful and who hears our prayers and answers them. God bless the people of Canada who are impacting not only their nation but are playing a pivotal role in the destiny of nations throughout the world.

  • Terri Labeau

    To All God’s army of believers – Warriors in Canada and United States:
    Armor on, shields up! Keep on praying this prayer. Keep on decreeing aloud until we have His breakthrough. Let your praises fill the air. Jesus over Canada. Jesus over United States. In the holy, powerful, Sovereign Name above All names, JESUS.