On Sunday morning, May 28, 2023, it rained in Jerusalem. It NEVER rains at this time of year. That morning, about 800 Christian believers gathered on the Southern Steps, in the very same place where Peter gave his message in Acts 2. The very place where the outpouring of the Holy Spirit happened 2000 years ago, believers from many nations, tribes and languages gathered in UNITY at ONE TIME, in ONE PLACE and in ONE ACCORD to PRAY for the PEACE of Jerusalem. Millions of others gathered in the nations and online to add to this unity. This was EPIC!
As I watched the service online, and heard the heart-felt prayers, and entered into worship with them, I saw a vision in the spirit. I saw the beautiful face of Yeshua looking down from heaven upon His people…from Canada, Uganda, Argentina, Kenya, the UK, the US, South Africa, from all the nations.
He began to cry tears of great joy. The tears slid down His cheeks. His heart swelled…and swelled…and swelled. He spoke something to His Father: “That’s my bride!”
He is SO IN LOVE with His bride. His time of return is soon.
The unusual rain on the Southern steps? It was His tears. His tears of joy as He rejoices over His bride.
He delights in the love and the unity of His people.
One Comment
Micheline Houle
Glory be to God ALMIGHTY…. who WAS & IS & IS TO COME !!!