How to Stand up, Speak Out and Fight Back Against Jew-Hatred

by Laura Densmore, Bridge Connector Ministries
On Saturday morning, Oct 7, on Simchat Torah, the last great day of Sukkot, about 1,500 Hamas terrorists penetrated Israel’s border and perpetrated the largest mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. The terror organization’s assault on Gaza border communities sent 5000 rockets into Israel and left 1,400 men, women, and children dead, 4200 wounded, and 200 kidnapped and dragged across the border into Gaza. Whole families were slaughtered, babies and toddlers, the elderly, and holocaust survivors were taken into Gaza. IDF soldiers were beheaded. It was a bloody and brutal slaughter against innocent civilians.
Truly, Israel is looking straight into the face of evil.
I have been deeply disturbed by what I have seen in the mainstream media in their coverage of the Israel-Hamas war. The liberal woke leftists in the media are calling for “humanitarian aid” for those “poor, innocent Palestinians” in Gaza. When Biden visited Israel recently, he put strings attached to US military aid to Israel: first, Israel had to agree to allow the US to get 100 million in humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza. This outrageous demand can be likened to this: insisting that 100 million in humanitarian aid be given to the Nazis during the height of the war! AFTER there is an unconditional surrender and AFTER the war is over, then you can offer humanitarian aid! You don’t supply your enemies DURING the war! That is insanity!
Recently, thousands broke into the UNRWA warehouse in Gaza, taking staples, and basic supplies. Why did the break-in happen? You guessed it! The $100 million in humanitarian aid that the Biden administration insisted upon delivering to Gaza last week never made it to common Palestinian citizens. It went straight to Hamas terrorists!
And here is the woke narrative with their propaganda language: the 2 million Palestinians have been living in an “open prison”. The terrorists are “freedom fighters”. The Israelis are “illegal occupiers”. To refute all that nonsense, I refer you to the well-written article: An Uncomfortable Truth: The “Innocent Palestinians”.
How is it then, that we are seeing tens of thousands of Pro-Hamas demonstrators marching in the streets of London, Sydney, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Brooklyn as they side with Hamas, on the side of absolute evil?

Pictured above: From Amir Tsarfati’s Telegram channel.
What kind of person rips down the posters of the hostages, which include toddlers, babies, and the elderly? Is there no heart beating inside of that person? No compassion or mercy?
How is it then, that we see threats of violence against Jewish students in many of our colleges and universities? Why is it no longer safe for Jewish students to be on US college campuses?
How is it then, that the UN General Assembly recently voted with an overwhelming majority for an immediate Gaza ceasefire (120 in favor, 14 against), just as the IDF is beginning their Gaza ground operation and there are still 230 hostages in captivity?
How is it then, that some of my favorite alternative, conservative, patriotic news analysts, and pundits, are taking the side of the “poor Palestinians” and are running news headlines like this:
*Israel committing genocide against 2 million Palestinian people
How is it then, that some of these same news pundits are running with wild, unfounded, and false conspiracy theories that the Israeli government was somehow “involved” with the October 7 massacre?
How is it, then, that there are some individuals, even within my own fellowship where I attend, who are echoing these same false and evil accusations against Israel?
The anti-semitism, or, let me call it what it really is, the Jew – hatred is all around us: in our families, in some of our churches, in our government, in the mainstream media, and even in the alternative conservative media.
Have I awakened to Germany, 1939? It sure feels like it!
Why all this baseless, unreasoning Jew hatred? This is not about Judaism v/s Islam, Dems v/s Republicans, Conservatives v/s Liberals. No, this is about good v/s evil. What the Hamas terrorists did on Oct 7 was pure evil, and, I believe, demonically inspired. To side with Hamas is to side with evil.
It’s enough to make my blood boil. All this Jew-hatred being expressed is like adding salt to the grievous wound of the Jewish people.
I am deeply disturbed, and outraged.
What Can We Do About This?
We, as Christians, are called to be light and salt in this world.
The darkness of night is falling once again throughout the world. How can we fight back in this raging media war of Jew hatred?
- Stand up, speak out, and let your voice be heard. Do it kindly, respectfully, but firmly.
I have unsubscribed to several alternative, conservative news sources. I have posted my comments to their anti-semitic news headlines and “called them out” on their slanted, biased news coverage. - Look for and go to news sources that are based in Israel with reporters who have boots on the ground in Israel. Here are a few that I would recommend: (Caroline Glick and Jonathan Tobin are refreshing voices of truth and reason) (Eliyahu Berkowitz is one of my favorite writers!)
Amir Tsarfati’s Telegram Channel
Sorry, folks, all those other conservative pundits, they just don’t have a clue about what’s going on in Israel!
- Align, associate, and congregate with others who have a love for Israel and the Jewish people! If you can’t BE IN ISRAEL right now, the next best thing is to align with others who have Israel in their heart!
- Pray, pray, pray, and keep on praying for Israel and the Jewish people at this time! Join a group on Zoom, in person, or do it on your own. Watch and pray!
- Take action when you see Jewish hatred. For example, right now you can sign a petition calling for the resignation of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, for his anti-semitic remarks regarding the Israel-Hamas war.
- Ask the LORD, seek HIM about this. Ask HIM what you can do. One candle, lit up in the darkest of caves, makes a LOT of LIGHT!

- Sign up for Israel365 Action Newsletter to learn more about what actions you can take to stand with and support Israel.
- Join the Land of Israel Fellowship! Every Sunday morning, get onto a LIVE Zoom call and hear from Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, two amazing Orthodox Jews living on the Arugot Farm in Judea. They candidly share their hearts with us, and teach us the Torah, and it is an AWESOME connection to the land and people of Israel!
One Comment
Evelyn Megahan
I stand for Israel. In my heart and prayers daily! I mourn for the lives of all taken in this heinous massacre of innocents on October 7. Am Yisroel Chai! Bo Yeshua Bo