On the Wall of Intercession

Global Prayer for Israel on May 15: How Did God Move?

by Laura Densmore

Let my prayer be set before You as incense,
The lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice
. Psalm 141:2

On Wednesday, May 15, the Global Prayer for Israel event took place on a Zoom event platform. More than a thousand Jews and Christians joined in this prayer 6 hour prayer event.  According to Jonathan Feldstein of Genesis 123 Foundation:

People from some 50-plus nations (including those without diplomatic relations with Israel) participated in this prayer event. Many other Jews participated and were uplifted and encouraged by our collective prayers from Jews and Christians together.”

What made this prayer event unique from other prayer events?

Prayer events happen all the time; weekly prayers in Jewish synagogues, prayers by Jews at the Western Wall, Prayer calls and Zoom prayer meetings, and prayers at mainstream Christian Churches. But it is rare for Jews and Christians to come together and pray  on the same platform. It was not a spectator prayer event. It was truly participatory.

We are living in extraordinary times… This calls for extraordinary measures. And so, the Global Prayer for Israel Prayer event was conceived, planned, prayed over, and launched to bring Jews and Christians to pray together on one platform. The prayer event was for six hours. Each prayer hour had one Jewish and one Christian moderator. If you missed the Prayer event, all six sessions were recorded and can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.

There were three main prayer targets:

*Prayer for the hostages, for their speedy rescue and release.
*Prayer for the IDF, for the protection, safety, and success against Israel’s enemies
*Prayer for Israel’s enemies, that God would change their hearts.

Comments from Moderators and Participants

“The unity flowed like a river.” Bev D

“We intertwined so beautifully between Jews & Christians.”  Bev H

“It was so anointed my soul was soaring the whole time. It went from glory to glory to glory.”  Carla J

During the recent prayer event, where every flavor of Judaism and Christianity was represented, I was delighted to join as a Messianic Jew. This is so rare, as the various streams of faith often disagree on major issues, yet we prayed as one with the common denominator being the hand of G-d to move on our enemies and on our Israeli hostages and soldiers. Carolyn Hyde

From Laura Densmore, co-moderator for HOUR 3_Prayer for Israel’s enemies:

“All the prayers coming from both Jews and Christians made a new and unique blend of sweet incense that I believe went straight up to the throne of heaven. I believe it brought delight to God’s heart.”

Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand. Revelation 8:3-4

From David Nekrutman, co-moderator for HOUR 1_Prayer for Hostages:

What occurred on May 15th was another positive chapter in Jewish-Christian relations. Both faith communities understood the covenantal bond between each other in standing with Israel and the Jewish people. In our particular hour, we prayed for the return of all hostages both Jew and non-Jew. What occurred in our intercession was the revelation that Hamas treated non-Jews as Jews in their brutal attacks in Israel. Furthermore, Israel considered the non-Jewish hostages as Israelis. In all of the Bring Them Home Now campaigns, all the hostages are Israeli, and no one is left behind. 

From a Jewish mom whose daughter is serving in the IDF as a lone soldier:

When asked if I would participate in a unity prayer event for Israel, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Then I was told to write a prayer about changing the hearts of Israel’s enemies, I thought:  “There’s no way I could do that.” I have a daughter who is a lone soldier, so praying for the IDF – is not a problem – do that all day every day. Praying for the release of the hostages – again – not a problem. But praying for our enemies? – and not for their destruction? Not so easy. Then I logged on to the webinar the hour before mine. I sat and listened to everyone – Jewish and Christian – pray from the deepest parts of their souls. But it was the Christian prayers that overwhelmed me with love. I never experienced anything like that before.” 

How Did God Answer These Prayers?

After being involved in a prayer time of beseeching God with so many others, I try to “connect the dots” and watch for the “hand of God” to see how He may have moved to answer these prayers.

Perhaps the most difficult prayer target to pray into was to pray for Israel’s enemies– that God would give them a change of heart. However, you can never go wrong when you pray the scriptures; you will hit the mark of “bull’s eye” every time because you are praying the mind, will, and heart of God when you pray the scriptures. One of the scriptures prayed over Israel’s enemies was Ezekiel 36:26:

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

In both the third and the sixth hour of prayer, when praying for Israel’s enemies, in both of these pray hours, prayer was lifted up over the Iranian regime. In the third hour, a Jewish believer prayed powerfully into the scriptures concerning “Elam” (aka Iran).

Against Elam (Iran) I will bring the four winds
From the four quarters of heaven,
And scatter them toward all those winds;
There shall be no nations where the outcasts of Elam will not go.
For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies
And before those who seek their life.
I will bring disaster upon them,
My fierce anger,’ says the LORD;
‘And I will send the sword after them
Until I have consumed them.

I will set My throne in Elam,
And will destroy from there the king and the princes,’ says the LORD.
‘But it shall come to pass in the latter days:
I will bring back the captives of Elam,’ says the LORD.”
Jeremiah 49:36-39

 Then, in the sixth hour, a woman from Iran briefly shared how she became a follower of Christ. She was quickly sentenced to death by hanging and sat in prison awaiting execution. International pressure eventually brought about her release. She then prayed passionately for the Iranian government that God would move to bring about a change of heart.

To see the hand of God move, you must understand that He is sovereign, He is El Elyon, He is the MOST HIGH, and He orchestrates all circumstances. NOTHING happens by chance. When you understand this principle, then you begin to see how He moves. In Daniel 2:21, it is written:

He controls the course of world events;
he removes kings and sets up other kings.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the scholars.
Daniel 2:21

God is in Charge of the Weather

When he made a decree for the rain and a way for the lightning of the thunder. Job 28:26

By the breath of God ice is given,
And the broad waters are frozen.

By the breath of God ice is given,
And the broad waters are frozen.

Also with moisture, He saturates the thick clouds;
He scatters His bright clouds.

And they swirl about, being turned by His guidance,
That they may do whatever He commands them
On the face of the whole earth.
Job 37:10-12

The Global Prayer for Israel was on Wednesday, May 15. Four days later, on Sunday, May 19, we saw this news headline:

Helicopter Carrying Iranian President Raisi Crashes, Search Underway

The helicopter fell in mountainous terrain after a sudden, intense fog came in. Iranian state media said bad weather (fog) caused the crash and complicated rescue efforts. In the early hours of Monday, a rescue team, wearing bright jackets and head torches, huddled around a GPS device as they searched a pitch-black mountainside on foot amid a snowy blizzard.

Background on President Raisi

President Ebrahim Raisi was known as the “butcher of Tehran”.

What did he do to earn that notable title? He began his career after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 that overthrew the Shah of Iran. In 1988, he was appointed Deputy Prosecutor of the Revolutionary Court of Iran. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini, issued a fatwa (decree) ordering the execution of all political prisoners. Raisi carried these orders out. He was the youngest of a four-member panel known as the “Death Commission”. At least 30,000 people were killed across Iran.

So, what happened with the helicopter crash?  Later, the news came out that President Raisi and Iran’s Foreign Minister had perished in the crash:

Official says “No Signs of Life” Found at Crash Site of Iranian President’s Helicopter

Now, there are probably “woke” and antisemitic media sources out there that would try to blame Israel or the United States for this helicopter crash. But if you simply look at the facts: there was bad weather, and sudden, intense fog came in… this explains why the helicopter crashed.

Now who is in charge of the weather? The God of Israel!  Did the God of Israel hear the prayers from Wednesday, especially with the focused prayers regarding Iran, and then did He answer four days later?   You decide!


A Big Step Forward in Jewish-Christian Relations

The Global Prayer for Israel was truly a ground-breaking event in bringing Jews and Christians together to pray for the land and people of Israel. We have a common enemy: the red/green alliance, of Woke/leftist Communists who are teaming up with radical Islam.  Pro-Hamas demonstrators are now saying on college campuses throughout the US:
“Death to Israel” and “Death to America.”  Radical Islamists say, “First we go after the Saturday people (the Jews), then we go after the Sunday people (the Christians).” 

As Jews are being targeted all over the world by the red/green alliance. We CANNOT afford to be silent.

To be silent in the face of evil is evil itself. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This is a fight where Jews and Christians MUST stand and unite together on the ground that we share in common. We have a common enemy: the Woke Left and Radical Islam (the Red/green alliance)

For I have bent Judah, My bow,
Fitted the bow with Ephraim,
And raised up your sons, O Zion,
Against your sons, O Greece,
And made you like the sword of a mighty man.”
Then the LORD will be seen over them,
And His arrow will go forth like lightning.
The Lord GOD will blow the trumpet,
And go with whirlwinds from the south.
Zechariah 9:13-14

We are so thankful for the IDF who are on the front lines of battle defending the land and the Jewish people. We can stand strong and united and we can back them up in prayer. The God of Israel has the nation of Israel’s back! And Christians who read the bible understand this:

If we love the God of Israel, and if we love the God of the Bible, we will love whom He loves.
He loves the land of Israel and the people of Israel. They are the apple of His eye.

 The Global Prayer for Israel on May 15 was a good “practice run”. It is my hope and prayer that we will do this again!

One Comment

  • teppichwäscherei

    This is an excellent article! I appreciate the depth and clarity with which you addressed the topic. Your insights are valuable and provide a lot of useful information for readers. It’s clear that you have a strong understanding of the subject matter, and I look forward to reading more of your work. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise.