
Christians Prepare Prayer Site on Israel’s Northern Border

By Laura Densmore

Israelis from northern communities were evacuated from their homes roughly 15 months ago and have been living as refugees since then. Recently, the Israeli government gave the green light to residents that they could return to their homes in the north as of March 1, 2025.

I recently had the honor of serving with a group of 8 volunteers who came from Texas, Idaho, Oregon, and Canada. We were serving with Zechariah’s Hope, a ministry founded in 2006 focusing on serving and supporting Northern Israel. Carl Palinkas, founder of Z-Hope, has developed a special relationship with Misgav Am, the northernmost kibbutz bordering Lebanon.

Our team stayed on the kibbutz for two weeks. Our project focus was to prepare the prayer site for returning residents, tourists and visitors from the nations. The prayer site is perched high on a mountaintop with a commanding view looking down into Lebanon. To the right, you see a stunning view of Mount Hermon.

The Zechariah’s Hope Volunteer team spent several days cutting back brush, pulling weeds, and picking up debris from the war. Our team worked with joy as we got our hands dirty working to clean up and beautify God’s land.   

Misgav Am has great strategic importance to the nation of Israel. Residents are returning to sink their roots in this “eagle’s nest” kibbutz perched atop a mountain. This establishes a “beach-head” to claim, secure, and guard the northern land bordering Lebanon. This is part of the land that God gave by covenant to his people the Jews:

“Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses. “From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory.”  Joshua 1:3-4

As you look down from the eagle’s eye view from the prayer site, you can see the leveling of buildings down below in Lebanon.  Hezbollah terrorists established arms caches on the bottom floors of the leveled buildings and built extensive tunnels.  These tunnels, destroyed by the IDF, reveal that a terrorist attack into the beautiful northern communities of Metula, Kiryat Shimona, and Misgav Am was years in the planning.  

As you look up from the prayer site, you can see the evidence of rocket fire. The former army barracks and the Mitzpor (lecture hall for visitors) took extensive rocket hits.

For a short video tour of the Prayer Site, CLICK HERE.

We began to fall into the ebb and flow of life at the Kibbutz. While we were there, a Purim gathering happened and a few of the Zechariah’s Hope team were invited to participate along with the locals.  A few days later, there was a joyous birthday party celebration with an outdoor b-b-que and many on the Kibbutz came.  Israelis celebrate and embrace life with great passion, even amid grief and sorrow.

Zechariah’s Hope plans to bring more volunteer teams back to Misgav Am in 2025 to work on the following:
*Upgrades/maintenance to the prayer site at Misgav Am
*Serving at the kibbutz alongside Israelis 
*Cleaning and upgrades to kibbutz bomb shelters
*Maintenance/upgrades at The Olive Grove

There will be a blend of serving and occasional day trips to tour significant sights in Northern Israel. A three-night trip to Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, and Masada, is included.

CLICK HERE to learn more.

There is no better way to catch God’s heart of love for the land and people of Israel, than by serving! I encourage all Christians who love Israel to sign up for a volunteer trip!

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