• Articles

    Rapid Virus Recovery Protocol

    Protocol by Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD. Do you know someone who is down with Covid-19? Pass this powerful to them! This home remedy is highly effective in knocking out all flu virus include the Coronavirus! Items needed: Nebulizer and Hydrogen Peroxide, as a breathing treatment. Download the PDF Protocol by clicking button below.   Note: Can substitute with a diffuser if you don’t have nebulizer. Drape towell over head, breath in the mist from diffuser for 10-15 minutes several times/per day.  DOWNLOAD NOW!

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    Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA Technology Speaks out on the War Room

    WATCH NOW! RE-POSTED FROM THE RADIO PATRIOT: Dr. Robert Malone interviewed on Steve Bannon’s “The War Room”: Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology speaks out on Steve Bannon’s “The War Room” on the COVID-19 shot. The VAXX causes the virus to be more dangerous. New data suggests that fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting COVID, but could be carrying higher levels of viral “load” than previously understood. Dr Malone states that we are seeing the effects of rampant “Group Think” through a common party line. He lists other options that do not require universal vaccination. He is not an anti-vaxxer, but he states clearly that the authoritarian…

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    Mortality Rate from Delta Variant Eight Times Higher in “Fully Vaccinated” Individuals

    by Ethan Hunt The latest claim is that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “Delta” variant is “spreading like wildfire,” and the most affected by it are those who were already injected with “vaccines.” According to the latest data, people who took a Wuhan Flu shot or two are up to eight times more likely to test “positive” or have to be hospitalized. A preliminary statistical analysis found that hospitalization rates and absolute mortality due to the Delta variant are substantially higher among the “vaccinated” compared to the unvaccinated. The figures show that among patients who test positive for the Delta variant, the mortality rate for those who are “fully vaccinated,” meaning they received…

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    Disturbing Trend: Nationwide Door to Door Campaign Rolling out to Convince Folks to “Take the COVID Jab”

    By Atara, June 28, 2021 A disturbing pattern is emerging. Desperate to get the nation’s numbers up for those who have taken the COVID “jab”, cities across the nation are now going door to door with COVID jab information and free shots. The campaign tactics seem to be: *to convince/persuade you to take the COVID jab if you have not yet taken it. *to actually offer the COVID jab to you right in your own home. *to build and refine the list of who has NOT taken the jab. Some cities, like Chicago, are even offering a 50.00 gift certificate to Grub Hub as a “bribe” for taking the jab.…

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    Stunning! The Creator’s Name is Found in Your DNA!

    Therefore, Satan’s plan is to desecrate your body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit Pictured above: Screen shot from video, “Abomination of Desolation” by Followersofyah by Atara There is a new film out, done by FollowersofYah ministries, entitled “Abomination of Desolation”.  It is 91 minutes long, but it is perhaps one of the most stunning videos I have watched in a decade and well worth watching every minute of it. DOWNLOAD AS PDF It is extremely relevant and very timely to watch now, especially in light of the times we are now living in. What will you learn? The mystery of the “Abomination of Desolation” will be unwrapped, unveiled and…

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    An “Up Periscope” Moment: Reflections on Big Tech Censorship

    Note from Bridge Connector: I am good friends with Atara. She is a fellow news reporter. She has some important information to share about Big Tech Censorship. I am featuring her article in this week’s newsletter. By Atara, March 9, 2021 Can you imagine if you woke up one day, and you could not get onto the internet? Not at all? No matter what you tried, no matter what internet “on-ramp” you used, no internet. You can’t pay your bills online, you can’t do online banking, you can’t get to PayPal, you can’t search for information. That is what happened to me. DOWNLOAD AS PDF A word of explanation is…

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    A Purim Decree 2021

    **Last Sunday, the Israel Knesset voted to withhold certain rights from those Israelis, who do submit to the state’s vaccination program for Covid-19.**On Wednesday, the Knesset voted to allow the Health Ministry to expose and to transfer the personal information of unvaccinated citizens in Israel to local authorities.  That includes names, addresses, phone numbers, and ID numbers. The purpose is to put pressure upon the unvaccinated to be “personally” encouraged to take the experimental gene therapy shot. That is illegal coercion to participate in an experimental gene therapy … which is illegal according to the 1949 Nuremberg Codes of international law. (in the near future, I will write the details about this vital…

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    Emergency Prayer Call for Israel

    Excerpted from “Word From Yerushalaim” February 24, 2021 Today (day before Purim) Israel’s government took some very drastic steps in removing the rights of its citizens. Two different bills were passed taking away basic rights of every person in a very dangerous advancement of Tyranny. And on top of all that this past Sunday on February 21 2021 a law was passed which took away the right of an Israeli without the experimental vax passport. These actions I am revealing to you not to ask you to support or not support the vax idea, but these removal of rights is turning Israel into a fascist state so fast it is mind…