• News

    Call to Action! Say “NO!” to the WHO Pandemic Treaty!

    Below please find the CHPP decree, that God can and will place a pillar of fire in front of this abomination (the WHO Treaty), and it will not succeed. If you are in agreement with this decree, please SIGN THE PETITION BELOW! Please note: Your name will not display anywhere when you sign. It will just give a head count of the total number of signatures. Father God, we REPENT that we have looked to man to solve our “health problems,” and not to You. We REPENT that men have now created this Babylonian system of global governance, under which we would all function as “slaves” to the New World Order.…

  • War Room Report

    Breaking! Research Reveals Covid-19, Vaxx, and Remdesivir Derived from SNAKE VENOM!

    (Natural News) Dr. Bryan Ardis has been making waves this week with allegations that the covid-19 virus, covid “vaccines” and at least one covid treatment all originated from snake venom molecules (the King Cobra, to be specific). The first interview on this was released yesterday by Stew Peters at Red Voice Media in a documentary-style video called, “Watch the Water.” In the video, Bryan Ardis expresses concern that snake venom-related molecules (peptides or proteins) could have been dripped into the water supply (or released via other methods such as aerosolization) in order to create a covid-19 “outbreak” fear scenario that ultimately drove people into covid vaccines, lockdowns, mask mandates and other forms…

  • On the Wall of Intercession

    Russia, Ukraine, Iran and Israel – A Report

    DOWNLOAD AS PDF LISTEN TO RECORDING Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, Monday night prayer call, 3.14.22 Guest speaker: Eric Teitelman Summary: *Background/history of Jews living in Russia and Ukraine *Russia and Israel *Israel, Russia and Ukraine *Europe, Russia and Ukraine *Turkey, Russia and Ukraine *Saudi Arabia, UAE and the United States *Global implications of Ukraine crisis *China, Russia and Ukraine*Israel and Iran *Rabbinic Prophetic Warnings Between 1941 and 1944, more than a million Jews living in the Soviet Union were murdered by Nazi Germany’s “Final Solution” extermination policies. Most of them were killed in Ukraine because most pre-WWII Soviet Jews lived in the Pale of Settlement, of which Ukraine was the…

  • Videos,  War Room Report

    Watch Olive Stone’s Bombshell Documentary, “Ukraine on Fire”, Censored by Youtube

    WATCH NOW! (Infowars, Mar 9, 2022) Critically acclaimed film analyzing the events of Ukraine’s coup d’état in 2014 deleted by Big Tech overlords because it doesn’t fit in with the establishment narrative. BANNED on Youtube! YouTube has deleted director Oliver Stone’s critically acclaimed documentary about the 2014 Ukraine coup d’état leading up to its current conflict with Russia. Watch it here now!

  • Uncategorized,  War Room Report

    Why Did the US Embassy Official Website Just REMOVE all Evidence of Ukrainian Bio-Weapons Labs?

    (Natural News, Mar 3, 2022) The official US embassy website recently REMOVED all evidence of bio-labs in Ukraine. These bio-labs are funded and jointly operated by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The laboratory documents were public knowledge up until February 25, 2022. These documents include important construction, financing and permit details for bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine. But now the US government is scrubbing these documents from the internet and becoming less transparent with this critical information. This comes at a time when the world population is waking up to the reality of gain-of-function bioweapons research, lab leaks and predatory vaccine and diagnostics development. These bio-labs generate pathogens of pandemic potential that exploit…

  • War Room Report

    Is NATO a Dead Man Walking?

    (Infowars, Feb 24, 2022) While geopolitical commentators are fixated on Russia’s border with Ukraine, a more interesting development is slowly boiling underneath the surface of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict that could potentially reorder international relations—namely, the death of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Founded in 1949, NATO began with only twelve member nations. Presently, NATO counts on thirty member nations, with national security elites in the Anglo-American sphere wanting to bring Georgia and Ukraine into the fold. In both countries’ cases, NATO membership is in limbo. Despite calls for expanding NATO, the military alliances undergirding the organization could be in for an unexpected shake-up. Ever since French president Emmanuel Macron declared in 2019 that NATO was experiencing…

  • War Room Report

    Read! Pray! SIGN Prayer Decree for Canada!

    Prayer Decree for Canada! DOWNLOAD AS PDF Please read and pray through this prayer decree for Canada. If you are in agreement with it, please sign your name to this powerful prayer decree! Lord, you said 2 Corinthians 10:4: that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Lord, you also said if we decree a thing it will be established unto us, so we make this decree: We hereby acknowledge and reassert Your dominion over Canada and that you alone are LORD. We accept the dominion…

  • War Room Report

    EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump: ‘We Have to End the Mandates’

    (The Epoch Times, Feb 3, 2022) Mandates related to COVID-19 are wrong and should be rescinded, former President Donald Trump told The Epoch Times in an exclusive interview. “We have to end the mandates,” Trump told former top aide Kash Patel on The Epoch Times’ “Kash’s Corner.” The interview will premiere at 8 p.m. Eastern on Feb. 7 on EpochTV.com. “They have to be ended and they shouldn’t have started,” Trump added. Trump was president when SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, emerged in China in late 2019. Under Trump, the federal government did not impose vaccine or mask mandates, but some states and counties required masks, including California. Under President Joe Biden many jurisdictions began…