Jeremy Gimpel is ON FIRE at The Sovereignty Conference!
WATCH NOW! Jeremy Gimpel was one of the invited speakers at The Sovereignty Conference in Jerusalem on January 11, 2024. He asks the burning and passionate question: How could we have been so wrong? Where did we miss it? In 75 years since the rebirth of the nation, the only thing that matters has been absent. It’s the littlest word but it means everything….MUST WATCH!
Huge Spike in Terror Attacks in Israel: PRAY!
In 2022, Israel targeted by 5,000 terror attacks, 31 innocents murdered and 415 injured Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. Isaiah 40:1 In 2022, Israel registered some 5,000 attacks perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists, who murdered 31 people and injured 415, official government’s data shows. Eleven people were assassinated in the month of March, making it one of the bloodiest months in recent history. Another 27 were wounded. In addition, October was the month with the highest number of attacks – 401, not including rock throwing. They included two assaults, two vehicular attacks, 32 arson attacks, 46 small-arm attacks, 60 pipe-bomb and 258 fire-bomb attacks. They resulted in numerous people…
Call to Action! Say “NO!” to the WHO Pandemic Treaty!
Below please find the CHPP decree, that God can and will place a pillar of fire in front of this abomination (the WHO Treaty), and it will not succeed. If you are in agreement with this decree, please SIGN THE PETITION BELOW! Please note: Your name will not display anywhere when you sign. It will just give a head count of the total number of signatures. Father God, we REPENT that we have looked to man to solve our “health problems,” and not to You. We REPENT that men have now created this Babylonian system of global governance, under which we would all function as “slaves” to the New World Order.…
Archived News Headlines
Pictured above: Map of Coronavirus cases across the nations as of April 13, 2020Source: Coronavirus dashboard global map Coronavirus Dashboard ~ Global stats, country by country, state by state Coronavirus Dashboard ~ Global map, country by country, state by state WorldOMeter ~ Coronavirus country data updated daily KNOW WHEN TO TAKE A BREAK FROM THE NEWS AND GET INTO GOD’S WORD & PRAYER Breaking news headlines on Coronavirus, updated daily. For your own sanity, LIMIT YOUR TIME in the news. Glance at the headlines, click on which headline you want more info on. Reliable news sources, not spin. Spend MORE TIME in the word of God which renews your mind…
Great News Sources on Coronavirus
The last 72 hours have seen some extraordinary developments. We are living in a brave new world. Below are quick links to the best news sources that I have found: Coronavirus dashboard ~ Global stats, country by country, state by state, updated daily WorldOMeter ~ Coronavirus country data updated daily * is excellent. *The is also very good. *Go to for latest updates *Go to the White House Youtube channel for the daily press conferences. Good information shared, team approach. *You can also sign up for Corona virus updates by email from LiveScience, an excellent news source. Finally, we encourage you to visit the Dept of Public Health…