Take time to go through the nine “stations” of the wilderness tabernacle reading the Word of God. You will see the Old Testament shadow pictures and then see the New Testament fulfillment! A great way to spend your time on this Most Holy Day of the year! |
Therefore, Satan’s Plan is to Desecrate your body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit
Screen shot from video, “Abomination of Desolation” by Followersofyah
by Atara, April 13, 2021
There is a new film out, done by FollowersofYah ministries, entitled “Abomination of Desolation”. It is 91 minutes long, but it is perhaps one of the most stunning videos I have watched in a decade and well worth watching every minute of it.
It is extremely relevant and very timely to watch now, especially in light of the times we are now living in.
What will you learn? The mystery of the “Abomination of Desolation” will be unwrapped, unveiled and unsealed to you.
By Atara, March 9, 2021
Can you imagine if you woke up one day, and you could not get onto the internet? Not at all? No matter what you tried, no matter what internet “on-ramp” you used, no internet. You can’t pay your bills online, you can’t do online banking, you can’t get to PayPal, you can’t search for information.
That is what happened to me.
A word of explanation is in order. When the Iron Curtain of Big Tech censorship fell on the weekend of Jan 8-10, it didn’t fall just on President Trump and his staff. It fell on MANY patriots, conservatives and Christians. And, it fell on me.
I was blocked from the internet. And I had three different ways of getting onto the internet. Someone was VERY SERIOUS about silencing my voice and preventing me from getting online.
So, I prayed and sought the LORD. I asked Him, “What would you have me do?”
by Laura Densmore
The United States is rapidly descending into tyranny. Democratic Governors of states and Democratic Mayors of cities are implementing draconian measures upon their constituents to limit liberty and forsake freedom. Here is a snapshot of what has been happening:
by Laura Densmore
I open this article with a question and then I want to examine the facts on the ground with you. Then you can come to your own conclusions.
The question I pose is this: Are we experiencing consequences from the God of Israel (the Corona pestilence and the Nashville tornado) due to America’s push for the “Deal of the Century” proposal to divide the land of Israel?
Now let’s look at the evidence and the facts on the ground together.
by Cathy Helms
Holy One of Israel, our hearts are rent, with faces covered with shame and hands stained with innocent blood. With faces to the ground, we bow before You to plead for mercy. We declare that You are our God and we are Your people. We declare that there is no other God. We present ourselves before You today, on Yom Kippur 2019, to confess our grievous sin against You, Yehovah, Elohim of Israel: our rebellion, transgression, and iniquity, and that of our Church forefathers.
Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, to our humble cry for restoration both to You and to our brother, Judah. We have heard Your voice calling to us:

Multitudes upon multitudes In the Valley of Decision! For the day of Hashem is at hand In the Valley of Decision. Joel 4:14, The Israel Bible (Joel 3:14 in KJV)
Israel has had their elections and now the real work begins: to accomplish the seemingly impossible and form a coalition government. They have 28 days to do it; President Rivlin has vowed he will use every legal method at his disposal to avoid a Round 3 of elections.
A coalition of the various political parties must be formed with a minimum of 61 seats.
The political party with the most votes/(seats) offers the leader of their party to try to form a coalition. So here are the numbers:
I recently attended the Nations’ 9th of Av in Jerusalem for the week of August 10 through 16. It was a truly a life-changing experience for me!
Our core planning team, (including Steve Wearp, Bob O’Dell and myself) had been preparing for this week-long event for over 8 months. After all the months of planning we saw a tremendous response to this event.
The event had a three pronged approached:

What is this wall of offense that has been there for centuries between Jews and the Christians? What is the wall made of? How did it get built? And more importantly, how does the wall get dismantled? As I pondered these questions, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind a vision. In this vision I saw many rectangular shaped tall standing stones. At first they were scattered all across a grassy pasture in disarray.

What does it take to be a bridge connector?
*We must be humble. We must be “quick” to repent.
*Some particularly big items that those of us in the Christian and Hebrew roots community need to repent of: the evil roots of “Replacement theology”.
*We need to “own” the sins of our church forefathers that have been perpetrated against the Jewish people over the centuries.

What is a Repentance that Leads to National Reformation?
What does a national reformation look like? What will it take for a national reformation to happen? Let’s take a look at an example in the bible from 2 kings 22. King Josiah is in a building program to rebuild and repair the breaches of the temple. The Torah is discovered buried under some rubble. Hilkiah, the High Priest brings the Torah to Shaphan, who then brings it to King Josiah. When King Josiah reads the word of God, this is his reaction: he rends his clothes. His heart has been cut.