Israel Connect

Israel Connect is Your bridge to the Land and People of Israel! Your news magazine features guests we interview who have boots on the ground in Israel so you get the real story!
Most Iranians can’t stand the tyranny of the current regime. How can Israel help the Iranian people? Carolyn Hyde shares how Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given wall space for Iranian artist, Hooman Khalili. His murals champion the causeof Iranian women who have been persecuted and murdered under the current tyrannical regime. We continue to watch and pray for Iran: for regime change and for heart change.
In this video we hear from Hananya Naphtali as he shares his heart that NO POWER will ever destroy Israel. Finally, we hear from IDF troops as they joyously sing: “I believe with complete faith in the coming of Messiah. And even though it takes time, I will wait for him every day that he will come.” Let’s pray for the IDF for their protection and for Israel to have complete victory on all seven war fronts!
Al McCarn states that Israel needs to go through a fundamental change in their thinking as the Trump team comes in. Israel should no longer be thinking that they are a “client state” under the control of the US, as they were treated under the Biden regime.
Discover powerful stories of resilience and courage in our latest Israel Connect episode. Sarah Lamm, author of “Into the Fire: Stories of Heroism from October 7th,” shares heart-rending accounts of ordinary people thrust into extraordinary circumstances amid Israel’s recent challenges. This episode inspires us all to find the light in the darkest times.
On October 1, 2024, 200 ballistic missiles from Iran were shot at Israel. Miraculously, NONE of the missiles hit any population centers, or killed/injured any Jews. Carolyn Hyde was there and shot footage of the missile array. In this short interview, she shares some shocking information: 75% of the mosques in Iran have closed down because no one is attending them! Moreover, The Iranian Christians are PRAYING for Israel’s safety and protection! Is Iran ready for regime change? Could Iran be transformed from Israel’s worst enemy and become Israel’s friend and ally?
Join us online for the 8 Days of Prayer for Israel during the 8 Days of Hanukkah 2024! Sign up today, get your free ticket to join us on Zoom one hour each day during the 8 days of Hanukkah (Dec 26 to Jan 2, 2025).
What is a Jewish Zionist? What is a Christian Zionist? What is the ground that we share in common? What might this look like in the final redemption? What can Christians do to show their love and support for Northern Israel? Listen in as Eliyahu and Laura weigh in on these questions!
Today we talk with Eliyahu Berkowitz, feature news reporter with Israel365 News. How are things going in Katsrim, a community in Northeastern Israel in the Golan Heights? Why is Israel seeming only to REACT to rocket fire from Hezbollah, and not taking the fight to Lebanon and to Hezbollah terrorists?
In Part 2 of our interview with Marzi, we discuss how the schools in Iran propagandize the children to hate Jews from early on. This same propaganda, rooted in Islam and the Koran, has infiltrated American culture: in government, college campuses, and the media. Yet, there was a time when ancient Persia (modern Iran) was a great friend to Israel. Iran has the fastest-growing underground Christian church in the world. Will there ever come a day in Iran could one day be a blessing to Israel once again?
In this interview we meet Marzi Amirizadeh, an Iranian American who immigrated to the US after being sentenced to death by hanging in Iran for the crime of converting to Christianity. She endured months of mental and physical hardships and intense interrogation in Evin prison—one of the most brutal prisons in the world. In this first segment, she shares what life was like in Iran, how she met Jesus Christ, how she and her friend began to distribute bibles in Iran, and how she was subsequently arrested and imprisoned for her faith.
Al McCarn and Steve Wearp continue sharing about the recent Israel Summit. The impact from this event is still sending ripples throughout the nations. With antisemitism exploding throughout the nations, it is time to stand and be counted as part of the righteous remnant who will stand with Israel and the Jewish people. One of the takeaways from the Israel Summit: GO TO ISRAEL and connect with the people there! It will transform your life and your faith journey!
Today we interview Al McCarn and Steve Wearp of They share their takeaways from the recent Global Prayer for Israel event which took place May 15, 2024. We turn our attention to the recent Israel Summit, which took place at the Ramsey Center in Franklin Tennessee. What were the highlights? The takeaways? Why was it significant
We learn more about Zechariah’s Hope, an outreach ministry to Misgav Am since 2006. How has the war affected the residents of this Kibbutz? How are the residents coping with being displaced from their homes for more than 6 months? Why should Christians stand with and support Israel? How can churches get involved with showing the love of God in a tangible, practical way to the residents of the Kibbutz communities in the North of Israel? Listen in and find out more!
Today, we meet Pastor Carl of Church on the Rock, in Florence Oregon and his two Israeli guests, Buddy and Natalie D. Buddy and Natalie are from Misgav Am, a Kibbutz on the Northernmost border of Israel overlooking Lebanon. How has the war affected the residents of this Kibbutz? How are the residents coping with being displaced from their homes for more than 6 months? Why should Christians stand with and support Israel? Listen in and find out more!
Why is the Biden regime treating Israel like they are a “colony” instead of treating Israel as a free, independent and sovereign nation? Will Netanyahu resist the pressure from Biden and go into Rafah and win the war against Hamas? All this and more on Israel Connect!
“For if you remain completely SILENT at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from ANOTHER place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14
Takeaways from the NRB Conference and KeepGodsLand Launch!
Today, we interview Ruth Guggenheim, one of the key leaders of
She recently traveled to Nashville, TN to attend the National Religious Broadcasters Conference. She was also involved with Israel365’s launch event of KeepGodsLand.
(Feb 20, 2024)The Biden regime met with Arabs in Egypt last week and they are rushing to complete a detailed comprehensive plan to UNILATERALLY declare, decree and recognize a Palestinian state. In the height of presumptive arrogance, Israel was NOT invited to the table at these talks in Egypt! The Israeli cabinet has outright rejected global recognition of a Palestinian state. In effect, this would be rewarding the Hamas butchers for the horrific actions on Oct 7 by giving them a Palestinian state.
What should Israel do with Gaza after the war against Hamas in Gaza is finished? Israel is under intense pressure from the Biden administration to embrace the Two-State Solution and declare a Palestinian state. The vast majority of the people in Israel do NOT support this and call it the Two-State “Delusion”. When will the government catch up with the will of the people? When the war against Hamas is over, what should Israel do with the Gazans remaining? Should Israel annex and declare sovereignty over Gaza and the Biblical heartland? What can Christians do right now to stand with and support Israel in this war?
Last fall, a journalist asked Netanyahu to name his favorite bible character. Netanyahu replied with a fascinating answer: “King Saul. He was tragic.” Why does is Netanyahu’s favorite bible character King Saul? Eli Mischel recently wrote an article that did a deep dive on this topic. What do King Saul and Benjamin Netanyahu have in common? Will Bibi finish the job against the Amalekites that King Saul failed to do? Elie shares how there is a “spiritual renewal” happening in a profound way amongst the IDF soldiers and amongst the Jewish people.
What happens to the 2 million Gazan residents when the war is over? Gaza has been decimated. How can Israel balance humanitarian strategies for local Gazans while still completely decimating the Hamas terrorist presence and infrastructure? Jonathan offers a surprising and creative solution that I have not heard anywhere else! Jonathan also shares about his amazing new book, Israel the Miracle. Find Jonathan’s podcast, Inspiration from Zion, on Spotify!
In this interview, we meet with Jonathan Feldstein, Founder of the Genesis 123 Foundation. In our first segment, he shares about how he became involved in building bridges between Jews and Christians. He has been a tremendous advocate for the hostages who are still being held in Gaza. How can Israel get them home? What can Christians do to stand with Israel and advocate for the hostages? Listen in and find out more!
In this segment, Eliyahu reflects on Israel’s war with Hamas. What happens to Gaza after the war is over? Israel is coming under a lot of international pressure to go for a “two-state solution”, and establish a Palestinian state. Is that realistic? Is there a better solution? What is on the minds of the Knesset members? What is on the minds of Israeli citizens?
Eliyahu also shares what Christians can do to stand with and support Israel and the Jewish people right now!
Today, we interview Eliyahu Berkowitz, senior news writer for Israel365 News.
Eliyahu shares about end-time events from a Jewish perspective. In the end of days, Gog/Magog will form an alliance Ishmael and Esau. What will that look like? Are we seeing the formation of that alliance now? What are some of the “birth pangs” indicating that we are getting close to the final redemption and the coming of Mashiach?
In the second part of our interview with Rivkah, we turn our attention to a burning question: What will the future redemption (Geulah) look like? What immediately precedes the redemption? It can be likened to a pregnant woman who is now having heavy labor pains. What are those labor pains? How close are we to the coming of Mashiach and the establishment of His kingdom?
Believers from both the Jewish and Christian side of the aisle have been praying the Psalms over Israel and the IDF. Today, we interview Rivkah Adler, and in our first segment, we dive into two Psalms: Psalm 20 and Psalm 121. We read them in both English and Hebrew, and then Rivkah unpacks these two Psalms for us.
In Part 2, Chaim Eisen shares insights about the deeper meaning of Hanukkah and how this relates to the war with Hamas (Haggai 2:10, 20).
In this edition of “Israel Connect” we meet Rabbi Chaim Eisen, an Orthodox Jew and a trained bible scholar with a deep love for God’s word. He has a heart for building relationships with Christians. In Part 1, he shares with us scriptures that give us some insight into what this war with Hamas may be leading up to (Psalm 83, Zech 14, Ezek 39).
Redemption and Bridge Building: "Light up the Church" & Hanukkah Symposium Coming!
Today we interview Gidon Ariel, CEO and co-founder of He shares with us about the recent “Light up the Church” event that took place on Nov 9, 2023.
Gidon will also be co-hosting an online Hanukkah Symposium on Sunday Dec 10. This amazing Symposium will bring three Christian scholars and three Jewish scholars together to share on some rich topics about Hanukkah,
The LORD speaks of a time when He will gather all the nations and sort them out: some will be goat nations and some will be sheep nations. This Israel/Hamas war is serving to sift and sort out nations. What is the basis of the LORD’s judgment upon the nations? What is the criteria He uses to determine whether a nation is a “goat” nation or a “sheep” nation? Listen in and find out!
Israel is currently facing a battle on several different levels: There is a literal battle with boots-on-the-ground, the kinetic war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. There is also a spiritual battle that is being waged in the heavens. This teaching focuses on the spiritual battle. What is the spirit behind Hamas? How will Israel fight and overcome that evil and demonic spirit?
Valley of Decision: Where Do you Stand with Israel?
On Saturday morning, Oct 7, on Simchat Torah, the last great day of Sukkot, about 1,500 Hamas terrorists penetrated Israel’s border and perpetrated the largest mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. The terror organization’s assault on Gaza border communities sent 5000 rockets into Israel and left 1,400 men, women, and children dead, 4200 wounded, and 200 kidnapped and dragged across the border into Gaza.
Since then, a very alarming trend has occurred. Anti-semitism, or Jew-hatred has sprung up all over the world like a cancer and in some very surprising places.
We will NOT be silent. We say NEVER AGAIN!