War Room Report

Wake up! The World is at War!
It is an unconventional war. It is a cultural war. It is a communications/media war. It is a political war. It is an economic war. It is an ideological war. It is a war for your mind and thoughts. And, at the deepest level, it is a spiritual war between light and darkness, between good and evil, between YHVH and Satan.
What We Cover on "The War Room Report"
*All things COVID: Resources & Remedies,
*Big Tech Censorship
*Israel and Middle East: where the “hot” war will most likely start
*Deep State/Globalist agenda: the folks in the shadows pulling the strings
*CCP infiltration into America
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Early Treatment Home Remedies for Covid-19
Are you down with Covid-19?Have you been exposed to spike proteins from a vaxxed person who is shedding spike proteins? Did you get the jab and now you have jabbers remorse?
Check out the home remedies, many coming from “White hat” MDs, on how you can treat early and at home!
I recently had the honor of serving with a group of 8 volunteers who came from Texas, Idaho, Oregon, and Canada. We were serving with Zechariah’s Hope, a ministry founded in 2006 focusing on serving and supporting Northern Israel. Carl Palinkas, founder of Z-Hope, has developed a special relationship with Misgav Am, the northernmost kibbutz bordering Lebanon.
I would like to share with you one way that you can be a blessing to Israel right now! You can participate in “The Olive Tree Project”, sponsored by Zechariah’s Hope.
And he said to me, “What do you see?” So I said, “I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps. Two olive trees are by it, one at the right of the bowl and the other at its left.”
Zechariah 4:2-3
by Steve Wearp, Ten from the Nations
It started with a small group of radicals that blamed the government for everything… most people ignored them and the politicians and authorities were indifferent. Then came the gangs of brown shirts, bullying, rioting, striking fear and threatening mayhem in cities across the country. They increased their power and numbers through fear, intimidation and coercion, promising prosperity and power to the people. Then came the elections, and suddenly they became a power to be reckoned with – and the masses joined them. To be a Jew became a curse, and in an instant the Jews were stripped of their voices and rights.
Israel is currently facing a battle on several different levels: There is a literal battle with boots-on-the-ground, the kinetic war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. There is also a spiritual battle that is being waged in the heavens. This teaching focuses on the spiritual battle. What is the spirit behind Hamas? How will Israel fight and overcome that evil and demonic spirit?
They call on chariots, they call on horses, but we call on the name of Hashem our God. Psalm 20:7, The Israel Bible
In the words of Jeremy Gimpel, Israel is currently facing a battle on three different levels:
There is a literal battle with boots on the ground, the kinetic war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Most folks are following that story pretty closely.
There is an Ideological battle in the minds and the hearts of Israelis, liberal v/s conservative, Religious v/s Secular.
And there is a Spiritual battle that is being waged in the heavens. This article will focus on that spiritual battle. What is the spirit behind Hamas? How will Israel fight and overcome that evil spirit?
a very alarming trend has occurred. Anti-semitism, or Jew-hatred has sprung up all over the world like a cancer and in some very surprising places.We will NOT be silent. We say NEVER AGAIN!