On the Wall of Intercession

A Christian Prayer for Israel

by Ray Montgomery

Heavenly Father,

We lift your people before you in this hour of national crisis. We pray that Your
Presence be with each and every person grieving over the loss of loved ones. Comfort
them, O Lord, in their hour of grief. Grant the hostages, their families and friends the
reassurance that Your people are on their way to rescue them. Comfort them all, O
Lord, in this hour of trial and uncertainty.

Father, we lift Israel’s political and military leaders before You. We pray that You give
them Divine counsel in this hour to know Your will. Reveal the timing and military
strategies necessary to accomplish Your purposes. Reveal the location of all the
hostages so they can be rescued. Reveal the location of all the tunnel entrances in the
Gaza Strip so they can be destroyed. Reveal the location of all militants, terrorists and
their supporters so they can finally be neutralized once and for all!

Father, we pray that you sow confusion and chaos into the enemy camp. Cause
divisions, infighting and petty jealousies to arise within their ranks, for a divided house
cannot stand. Cause them to turn on each other as the Midianites did when Gideon’s
company of 300 raised their torches and blew their trumpets. And no matter where the
enemy runs or hides, may the IDF pursue them, find them, and overcome them, just as
Your people did to the Midianites long ago.

Give the brave IDF soldiers the courage of the Lion of Judah to pursue their mission.
Shield them under Your wings of refuge and protection. Let them not be afraid. Guard
them against the weapons of the enemy. Give them, their families and loved ones
Your reassurance that Israel has the moral high ground here.

Father, 3,500 years ago God You told Your people to “go in and possess the land.” O
Israel, have you been called to complete this mission for such a time as this? That the
time to re-unite the land of Israel by possessing Gaza, the West Bank, and the Temple
Mount, has come for such a time as this? That the time to arise and shine, your light
from Hashem rising upon you, has come for such a time as this? That the time to fulfill
your destiny to be a light unto the nations, to build the third Temple to be a house of
prayer for all nations, indeed – to prepare the way for the Messiah – has come for such
a time as this!

O Israel, heed not the voice of man – the UN’s anti-Semitic resolutions, its world
leaders calling on you to refrain from your mission under “humanitarian” guidelines, or
world opinion, for there will be no consensus here. For you will be damned if you do,
and damned if you don’t. Instead, heed the voice of God, for that is the beginning of

Father, we ask that You remind Your people of history, for Neville Chamberlain once
thought he could negotiate with Hitler, and we know where that led. Terror cannot be
placated nor negotiated with, nor should it be. Instead, terror must be confronted and
dealt with. For how can there ever be peace in the land, when it is only Your people
that desires peace?

Father, we pray that a righteous indignation arises within the hearts of all Israelis to rid
the world of the scourge of Hamas once and for all, for there comes a time when good
must triumph over evil, when right must prevail, and when enough is enough! We pray
that Israel has the courage of its convictions to maintain its resolve, to stay the course,
and to finally possess the land. We pray that Israel gets the chance to build
infrastructure, schools and hospitals in Gaza and the West Bank; to prove to the world
that democracy works; to show that a One-state solution governed by Israel is in the
best interests of its Palestinian citizens; and to demonstrate to the world that Israel can
accomplish what Palestinian ‘leaders’ have proven time and again that they can not,
want not, and will not do.

Father, we believe the time has come for Your people to build the third Temple to be a
house of prayer for all nations, to recognize their calling, and to step into their destiny.
Father, we ask for a spiritual renewal amongst Your people, one that will heal the
divisions between them, one that will cause them to stand united as one – and in
agreement with the first line of the Shema: Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokenu, Hashem
echad (hear, O Israel, Hashem is our God, Hashem is one).

Father, we ask that you place a burden on the hearts of Christians worldwide to stand
alongside Your people in this hour, to resist antisemitism in all its repugnant forms, and
to unite in intercessory prayer support for our Jewish brethren, for this is a ‘kairos’
moment in time, one that will determine Israel’s destiny and the destiny of us all.

In the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,


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If you stand in agreement with this prayer, please sign below. We will share these signatures with Rabbi Tuly Weisz at Israel365 as a show of our love and support for Israel and the Jewish people. 

A Christian Prayer for Israel

This petition is now closed.

End date: Jan 01, 2024

Signatures collected: 20

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